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Lívia Barts

Graphic designer, sketchnoter, visual researcher.

I have a background in humanities studies and in arts and design – and I am constantly searching for ways to combine the two, to support one with the other. For some years now I have been working as a graphic recorder and visual facilitator, where I could use drawing and design skills to strengthen communication, to summarize and highlight complex information, or to aid the structuring of a discussion in a consulting process. My favourite challenge as a designer is to create so called “one-pager” visual summaries of complex, lengthy, and often abstract contents, such as research and theory. And for a couple of years I was teaching a reading class at ELTE university, where we used an analogue (paper-based, hand-made and collaborative) text-visualization method to aid the comprehension of fairly abstract reading materials (mostly media, art, and film theory).

All in all, I like to draw, I like to think, and above all, I like to connect things and ideas that are often distant from each other.




Postgraduate course in Curating, Urban Culture and Spatial Practices, ESAP (Porto)


PhD in Art Theory - Doctoral School of Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest)

Fields of study: Art and media history and theory, aesthetics, visual culture and visual communication studies, cultural studies

Thesis topic: Interpretative visualizations in knowledge communication. With a practice-based research of an interpretative, collaborative, DIY text-visualization method developed during teaching 3 semesters of reading seminars with BA and MA students of the university.


BA in Graphic Design - Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME, Budapest)

Fields of study: Graphic design, basic programming, art history, art theory and art criticism


BA+MA in English Literature - Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest)

Fields of study: English literature, linguistics, history and art; literary translation

Teachers’ Training (not fully completed)

Fields of study: Psychology, pedagogy, teaching methodology.



1/10/2017 - 31/1/2018

University of Porto, Faculty of Fine Arts, Research Institute in Art, Design and Society

Erasmus+ research scholarship

27/6 - 2/7/2016

The Lisbon Consortium (Lisbon, Portugal)

Transvisuality Summer School + Conference

20/7 - 31/7/2015

Utrecht University Summer School (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

The Making of Europe Summer school course

16/6 - 8/7/2014 

Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (Berlin, Germany)

Campus Hungary Short-term Research Scholarship

9 - 12/2011

Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria (Barcelona, Spain)

Erasmus Scholarship


2015/16 spring term, 2016/17 fall and spring term

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies

Text visualisation - reading course

Methods for the graphic mapping of theoretical texts to aid reading comprehension. With Beja Margitházi for Media and Communication, Film and Aesthetics BA and MA students

September 2016

Hungarian University of Fine Arts (MKE), Budapest, Intermedia studies, guest lecturer

Sketchnoting and graphic facilitation techniques

2015/16 fall and spring term

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies

Architecture and media environments
Joint course with architect Samu Szemerey for Media and Communication BA students


‘Pesti Bölcsész Akadémia’, open university program at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, lecturer for a 4-lecture courseLate-19th-century Western European visual culture




40th APEAA (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos) conference, University of Porto

Presentation: Illustration and a developing book market of late-18th century England


3rd JRAAS Conference New Perspectives, University of Porto

Presentation: “Do you see what I mean?” – Interpretative text visualization to aid reading comprehension


Lost In Translation? People, Technologies, Practices and Concepts Across Boundaries – University of Lisbon

Poster contribution: History of Red esCTS meetings


Culture and Politics of Data Visualization – University of Sheffield

Presentation: Diagrammatic Visualizations in Text Interpretation


(In)visible  Cultures – King’s College, London

Presentation: Visualization as product and process in education


2nd International Conference on Semiotics and Visual Communication – Cyprus University of Technology

Seduction vs. Perfection – visual cultures on the turns of two centuries


Cultures in Disarray – King’s College, London

Do you see what I mean?' - Text visualisation project with the participation of design and theory students


2nd International Forum for Doctoral Candidates – Humboldt Universität, Berlin

The modern pictorial language and early Hungarian poster art (1880s-1914)


Creating Cultures – King’s College, London

Non-linear structures and their applicability in a possible syntax of visual communication


Memory, Identity, History –Association of Hungarian Doctoral Candidates

Presentation (in Hungarian): Non-linear memory- and time-structures: Bergson, Proust, Benjamin


Összkép –Association of Hungarian Doctoral Candidates

Presentation (in Hungarian): Pictorial places: abstraction and modern visual communication


National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK)

Presentation (in Hungarian): Screen-aesthetics. The aestheticism of the 21st century



Organiser of an experimental text-visualization project for the graphic visualisation of academic theoretical texts with the participation of design and theory university students.

Member of the “Turn-of-the-century Hungarian visual culture” research group at the Universiy of Szeged (led by Dr. Izabella Füzi)

Member of the Association of Hungarian Doctoral Candidates – Arts, Theatre and Film Studies Division


Please see the pages for more


Cooperation with Beta-i innovation consulting

Visual structuring, graphic summaries and designs for project presentations (Brisa innovation model, SOL, Vodafone Boost Lab, ATE,


Emergence Hackathon, University of Porto

Mentoring the BONDER team through the hackathon's five intensive days from first ideas to product delivery.


University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest

Speed drawing film series - image and animation design, studio drawing, editing, animation, post-production


Hungarian Theatre of Cluj-Napoca

Dramaturg for the play “Alice in bed” by Susan Sontag, directed by Dorka Porogi


Battle of Ideas Porto

Associate producer and organizer of the 8th BOA Porto at Maus Hábitos

since 2017

Valley of Arts Festival, Kerekdomb Festival, Örvényeshegy Picnic Festival

Chief graphic designer

since 2017

VTMSZ Association of Management Consultants in Hungary

Communication associate, graphic designer

since 2017

ReGraph Services, research visualization


since 2015

Graphic recorder, visual facilitator


White Rabbit Entertainment, Advertising Agency

Graphic designer intern


Kunsthalle Budapest

Intern at the department of museum pedagogy


Atrium Film-Theatre – Lajos Kozma. Sketches

Exhibition installation design and graphic design


Tandem - Pictures of a Catalan family 

Exhibition design, management and documentation


Loffice Coworking

Art management assistant


Kortárs Online (Contemporary Online)

Writer of exhibition reviews


Budapest City Hall

Assistant graphic designer in the City Image project

© 2020 by Lívia Barts

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